Small venues and spaces such as local village and town halls, galleries, arts centres etc. have the ability to host regular screenings of newly released films to local audiences. But many don’t realise they can, or know how to go about it.

Mission Statement

We've been working

on developing this idea intensively over the last year in Machynlleth and the Dyfi valley in mid Wales, but this is really an extension of our opening of the first purely digital commercial cinema in the UK (or maybe anywhere) in Kent in 2006.Digital was meant to see a revitalisation of the single screen cinema, ubiquitous until the rise of the multiplex in the last century but, for various reasons, this hasn’t really happened.Until now!Lots of things, equipment being cheaper, software more effective, digital storage increasing, independent films needing exposure, have made this moment the moment!Our trials emerging during the post-pandemic period clarified that communities are very proud of their local halls and spaces and want to see them used, yet many of them run at a loss or experience unnecessary down-time, yet desire to serve their local population meaningfully. While initially responding to a specific demand in an under-served area, we have now identified a number of spaces around the UK waiting to get started.We have designed the technology and gathered industry support to progress this concept and welcome expressions of interest from venues wishing to participate. When we have enough, we will commence. Our mission is to create affordable cinema provision that engages local audiences while broadening exhibition opportunities.

Our Team

Paul Corcoran - Business Development
Helen Jones - Film Programmer & Industry Liaison
Will Tremlett - Venue Liaison
Ethan Corcoran - Technology Lead

Participating Distributors (so far)

Next steps

Do you have spare hours in your venue? Do you have a local audience who would enjoy having cinema provision available to them? Would you like to know more - what is needed, how it would work?If so, get in touch so we can discuss, then make a time to visit your site and see how we can make it happen.

Screenings At is a project being developed by the principles of Theatre South Helen Jones and Paul Corcoran and is in R&D.We welcome expressions of interest from venues and industry partners.